Our philosophy is to provide a structured setting with a predicable schedule for children, so they know what to expect and feel secure. Within this structure, we allow for flexibility so that we can better meet the needs and interests of all the children. There are literacy, dramatic, and art activities throughout the day. The children use open-ended play material to explore individual interest. We encourage imaginative play through conversations and inquiries of the children imaginative play or pretend read of a favorite book from memory.

7:30 – 8:30 As children arrive, a variety of activities are available for them to do, such as table toys, blocks, books and story tapes. We rotate the toys every week for interest.

8:30 – 9:00 Clean up, prepare and eat breakfast, and clean up again! Each child has an opportunity to help with meal chores such as setting the table or mixing the juice. 30-Minute Circle Time.

9:00– 9:45 Children have a choice of selecting an activity of their choice or joining in a group activity such as painting, water play or cooking.

9:45 – 10:00 Get ready to go outside: bathroom time, wash hands, etc.

10:00 – 11:00 Outdoor play that is a combination of free play on the swing set or sand box, and group activities such as walks in the neighborhood, a science project such as gardening or an outdoor art project.

11:00 – 11:30 Free choice – dramatic play, blocks, board games.

11:30 – 11:40 Clean up for lunch. Wash hands

11:40 – 12:30 Family style lunch and conversation. Again, each child has an opportunity to help with chores. After lunch, everyone brushes teeth, uses the bathroom and wash hands.

12:30 – 12:45 Story time. This is a time to slow down before rest time or engage in a quiet activity.

12:45 – 2:00 Every one has a rest time. Preschool children who can’t sleep rest quietly on their cots, looking at books for 30-40 minutes before they are allowed to get up and start a quiet activity.

2:00– 3:00 Children wake up, put away cots, use the bathroom, wash hands, and play outdoors.

3:20 – 3:30 Circle time. Share a summary of the day’s activities and feelings. Building independence along with the following skills: communication, emotional, leadership, literacy, responsibility, and social.

3:30 – 4:00 Snack time. 
Home Work /Active outdoor play.

4:30 – 5:30 Pick up / Departure time. Children choose individual or group activities such as coloring, reading, table toys, etc., until their parents arrive. Events of the day and plans for the next day are discussed with children and parents as they leave.

Jackson Child Care mission is for the safety, emotional, social, and academic success of all children entrusted in our care. We use our varied talents, early childhood education training, and skills for the development and academic success of young children. We are in this business to serve working families with quality childcare services: Services in accordance with the childcare industry best practices to:

  •  Help children develop life skills
  • Help children learn through play
  • Prepare children for school readiness
  • Provide children with early learning opportunities
  • Provide a learning rich environment
  • Support working families
  • Train children to be successful in school and in life