Our Daily Schedule

Our philosophy is to provide a balanced setting with a predictable yet flexible schedule for children. This balance ensures that they know what to expect, fostering a sense of security while allowing us to cater to their needs and interests. The day is filled with literacy, dramatic, and art activities, and children are encouraged to use open-ended play materials to explore their unique interests. We promote imaginative play through conversations and inquiries, fostering a love for learning and creativity.

Growth and development

8:30 – 9:00 As children arrive, a variety of activities are available for them to do, such as table toys, blocks, books, and story tapes. We rotate the toys every week for interest. Free choice – dramatic play, blocks, board games.


9:00– 9:45 Clean up, prepare and eat breakfast, and clean up again! Each child has an opportunity to help with meal chores, such as setting the table or pouring their milk.


9:45 – 10:00 Get ready to go outside: bathroom time, wash hands, etc.


10:00– 11:30 Children can choose their activities, promoting independence and autonomy. They can either engage in an individual or group activity of their choice, such as painting, water play, or cooking, fostering social skills and creativity.


11:30 – 12:30 Outdoor play combines free play on the swing set or sandbox and group activities such as a science project, gardening, or an outdoor nature exploration.

12:30 -1:30 Nutritional Lunch Meeting USDA Guidelines. Family-style lunch and conversation. Children have an opportunity to help with chores.


1:30 -3:00 Children who are unable to sleep rest quietly on their cots, either looking at books or watching an educational video.

3:20 – 3:30 Circle time: We share a summary of the day’s activities and feelings, focusing on building independence, communication, emotions, leadership, literacy, responsibility, and social skills.

3:30 – 4:00 Snack time. Active outdoor play.

4:30 – 5:30 Pick up / Departure time. Children choose individual or group activities such as coloring, reading, table toys, etc., until their parents arrive. Events of the day and plans for the next day are discussed with children and parents as they leave.

At Jackson Child Care, our mission is to ensure the safety, emotional well-being, social development, and academic success of all the children entrusted to our care. We utilize our diverse talents, early childhood education training, and skills to promote young children’s development and academic achievement. Our goal is to establish a comprehensive early learning foundation and deliver high-quality childcare services to working families, following best practices in the childcare industry.