Celebrating Children’s Book Week

Early Literacy Story Time this week with Ms. Carey was a welcome addition to our weeklong celebration of Read Across America– “Celebrating Children’s Book Week”. Participation in this celebration is designed to inspire a lifelong love of reading. We love attending Ms.Carey’s story time. Her story times are interactive, captivating, and fun!
In the highlighted theme adopted from the book “Not a Box” by
Antoinette Portis (a book about a cardboard box paired with children’s
creativity) there was an array of early learning concepts! Children had
fun singing a melody of children’s songs: Hickory Dickory Dock, Ba Ba Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and London Bridge is Falling
Down. They love using the scarfs as props.
Her felt board presentation of the Three Billy Goat Gruff was mesmerizing. After the program the children took turns reenacting her presentation. Check out Jaxson in the clip below as he re-tell’s the story.