Field Trip Experiential Learning!
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Field trip establishes and enriches the connection children have with the community. It is experiential learning in a natural everyday setting. A setting in which children learn to adapt and grow.
Monthly, we offer field trip with a variety of sensory early learning growth opportunities. As part of our commitment to foster children’s development, we engage in planning, program updates, schedule revision and implementation of policy and procedure to reflect early childhood development best practices.
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Encouraging and supporting the development of self-help skills. At Jackson Child Care, children experience quality care, engage in early learning experiences, enjoy nutritious meals, and have fun playing and learning while parents are at work!
Preschoolers require a healthy diet. Good health begins with eating healthy. We have found and research results support this statement, “if children are given the chance to grow it – they are more likely to eat it”. A garden is one of the best ways to educate children on nutrition and the role of agriculture while demonstrating where food comes from. Taking a community effort approach, through field trips our plan is to reach out to the Farmers market and grocery stores to understand the concept of what is involved growing the food and getting it to the table: planting, harvesting, transporting, and selling. We title this process “Garden Community Jobs”.