Successful Kindergarten Transition!
We love parent feedback. In this post, the Nguyen family shares their back-to-school experience.
Good morning, Ms. Jackson;
We are one week into school here @ Loudoun Co and so far, so good. Happy to report Maxine has been able to transition into kindergarten beautifully and we believe it’s due to the many years spent at Jackson Child Care. With your support and guidance, Maxine was given the right tools and learned to be confident. She’s doing extremely well with all her school work and is enjoying being a kindergartener.
Major is loving his new school and being a second-grader. He has been able to adapt nicely to a new school that is more than double the size of his old one and most importantly, he’s excited to learn! Major has been the best big brother, helping his sister navigate her way through school and walking her to her class each morning.
I wish you a wonderful new school year at JCC. Hope we can visit in the near future.
Warmest regards,
Throwback to the day they started at JCC. Maxine was 2 and Major was 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Nguyen, it is our pleasure to serve your family’s childcare needs. “Thank you” for choosing us as Partners in the design and building of your children’s early learning foundation!