Alumni Summer Series with Esther Howard
We are so honored to feature Esther Howard today in our Summer Alumni Series! Esther Howard grew up in and is an alumnus of Jackson Child Care. As a 2009 graduate of Trinity Christian School, Esther was a National Achievement Scholar, as well as a National Merit Scholar. She was chosen to give commencement speeches at both TCS, and George Mason University, from which she earned a B.S. in Mathematics, with a concentration in Actuarial Science and a minor in Classical Piano. A University Scholar (the most competitive academic scholarship awarded at GMU), she was also a finalist for the prestigious Marshall Scholarship, founded by the British Parliament. Esther’s attributes much of her success to the experiences and empowerment that she gained during her time at JCC. Today, she works as an Actuary at the Office of Personnel Management. We recently caught up with Esther, and asked her to share with us her favorite Jackson Child Care memory. See what she has to say below:
We are so proud of you Esther! Thank you for catching up with us ?
-Monica Jackson