Alumni Summer Series with Demi Skipper
We are so honored to share with you Demi Skipper, the first Jackson Child Care Alumnus to be featured in our summer series. Demi and her siblings, Will and Georgia, attended the Jackson Child Care Summer Camp for four years starting in 1996. We have remained close to the Skipper family throughout the years and cannot be believe that Demi is now a graduate of the University of Virginia with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture! Demi now works for Apple and lives in San Francisco, California. We recently caught up with Demi, and asked her to share with us her favorite Jackson Child Care memory. See what she has to say below:
“I feel like my fondest memories year after year, summer after summer, were spent getting into Ms. Jackson’s big van with the rest of the kids….”
We are so proud of you Demi! Thank you for catching up with us 🙂
-Monica Jackson