Week in Review-September 10-14, 2018
On Monday, we took turns sharing our weekend with family at circle time. Some of the share is incredible and unbelievable. All we can say is that we will believe some of what we hear and ask that you do the same upon hearing what we do at school 🙂 We also had so much fun with the baby pictures! Time on the playground was wet. The kiddos had fun. They were good stewards and cleaned up the storm residue. They did an excellent job picking up twigs and small branches.
On Tuesday, we had a field trip to Kings Park Library to participate in Ms.Melanie’s Fishy Storytime. Fishy Storytime offered the kiddos the opportunity to interact in a large peer group setting, sing songs, and do an art craft. The kiddos enjoyed the crafting engagement. Each made e Squid craft that was an extension of the book “I am the Biggest Thing in the Ocean. The craft reinforced shapes and color concepts, spatial awareness, fine motor skills, and cognitive development.
On our wonderful Wednesday, we talked about feelings and discovered that we have many feelings inside. The kiddos learned it is okay and normal to have different feelings. We also learned a song about feelings and that feeling themselves are neither good or bad. We played games and looked at pictures with images of different feelings like happy, sad, scared, and mad. We learned that there are healthy ways to react to our feelings and the feelings of others. Kiddos expressed their feelings on a paper plate and found the first letter of their feelings from the letter bowl.
On Thursday, we continued our learning about time concepts and feelings in circle time. Circle time featured read, Chu’s First Day of School by Neil Gaiman. Our Tremendous Thursday was filled with literacy and vocabulary building. The kiddos are learning how to relate and express life experiences. Outdoors they enjoyed playing and going in between the two kitchen stations and the play house. Ms. Tasneem facilitated several games of catch. The kiddos had a great time sliding, swinging, and playing with balls. They enjoyed making footprints with the pockets of puddles on the concrete.
On our fantastic Friday, we remained focused on teaching the children how to make healthy life choices to include expressing feelings, identifying feelings, and most importantly how to handle feelings! Kiddos engagement in the other foundational early learning areas (counting, letter recognition, literacy, color recognition etc.) were intentionally interwoven into the day’s activities. We had a fun week playing and learning together!
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Have you seen our latest video on YouTube? Last week Ms. Liz had story time with us and we captured the experience. Check out our latest video.