Week in Review-September 4-7, 2018
Week in Review
Welcome back to another great year of school! We had a great first day and the first week of preschool. As you know the theme is “All About Me”! We have learned the importance of discussing with the children and putting into practice a review of what we will be doing at school and why it is important that they attend preschool. Our discussion and review entail the following:
o Playing, learning, and having fun together
o Routines to include a daily schedule
o Active listening
o Helping the children identify and express their feelings following and understanding directions
o Fun activities design to get to know each other
o Listening to the children’s need with the intent of designing the day to meet those needs
o Getting to know each child’s strengths and needs
o Observing the children’s interaction
o Teaching Manners
During this first month of school we will learn a few basic “How to lessons”: to use basic classroom material to include glue, scissors, crayons/markers, and paints. We will also learn and practice social etiquette: lining up, taking a turn, sharing, and problem-solving. Note the length of the lesson theme will match children’s interest.
Our Pre-K Day
Our Philosophy
We believe young children learn best in a learning rich environment interacting with early childhood educators with the experience, knowledge of early childhood development, and the skills to foster young children’s early education. Providers who can deliver a researched play-based curriculum, offer multisensory hands-on activities and engagements to meet children’s individual developmental needs.
Center Time –Free Choice
We have free choice areas/centers. Many of the available materials are open-ended, and children are allowed to use them creatively and decide how to use materials. Children choose their area of play and determine when they want to move to another area. Children learn to self – regulate their area activities, to work as a team, to negotiate with each other, and to problem solve. Through interaction and observation, guidance is provided as needed.
Circle Time/ Large Group
Our Circle Time is like a class meeting and consists of music, stories, and group discussion. During the group discussion, we talk about things the children are interested in and wonder about. We talk about things they have noticed or participated in recently or things that have happened. We also have a daily literacy activity and phonemic awareness activity, as required by the state of Virginia Foundational Building Block. Circle time is used to play math games and explore science. Literacy and phonemic awareness activities can be as simple as a game, a chart, a fingerplay or rhyme, or a song.
Literacy and other subject area concepts are woven throughout the day, so the children do not haveto focus for long periods of time.
The children will continue learning the concept of time and the days of the week. Our schedule is straightforward. We use a regular desk calendar with large blank squares to count down the days until someone’s birthday, a holiday, or special event. We might also use the calendar to track something, such as the growth of a seed or a caterpillar’s time in a cocoon. The schedule and a clock are available at child height for children to look at any time they wish.
Playground Time
Playground time is an active time. Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Children engage in both structured and unstructured play. We provide active supervision, involvement, guidance, toys, and play materials to make playground time “active” time. Unstructured play supports physical development while providing a healthy energy outlet with opportunity to grow social and emotional competency. While structured play fosters development and reinforcement of specific physical and other social and emotional skills.
Meals and Snacks
We offer breakfast, lunch and a snack. Note we provide food. However, we cannot make the children eat when they choose not to eat. The children will learn to be independent. They will learn to go to the kitchen and locate napkins and cups to set the table. Food is offered family style with mini pitchers of water or milk. They will learn how to get their napkin, cup, snack, and pour their drink.
When they are finished, they will learn to clean up. We rarely have spills, but if we do, the children are taught to clean up using paper towels or a napkin from the table.
Each child learns first to be self-sufficient and after that to be a helper. Helping includes being a line leader, holds the door, helps at the table, and assists in other ways as needed. Wipes and Kleenex are available within reach for the children to use anytime they need it.
We trust that this overview along with updates and daily reports will help parents to understand their child’s day better while in preschool. Thank you for partnering and working with us in the establishment of your children’s early learning. We look forward to playing, learning, and growing together!