2020 Year-End Review
We close out 2020 with thanks for community support, families, and educational, collaborative relationships. Thanks, that goes beyond their 2020 support. Thanks for consistent support for the past 30 years. Yes! We have been supporting working families’ childcare needs and their children’s growth and developmental needs since 1991!
The expertise and knowledge gained over the three decades of service in the childcare industry played a pivotal role in successfully dealing with the 2020 challenges. In it lies the foundation that led to preschoolers’ successful transition to kindergarten along with the listed accomplishments and our 2020 Year-End Review Newsletter, Jackson Child Care 2020 Year-End Review.
March to Present: During pandemic closure from March to June, Ms. Jackson provided and continues to provide administrative and technical assistance to childcare centers and family day home providers via emails, phone, and Zoom. While closed, professional development webinars fill Ms. Jackson’s days. She provided a vital service keeping others informed and updated on pandemic best practices, related issues and assisted with completing the applications for grant and stimulus funding. The latter proved invaluable to the providers (most of whom with English as a second language) with a full-day work schedule. The latter proved invaluable to the providers (most of whom with English as a second language) with a full-day work schedule.
June: The Fairfax Child Care Advisory Council re-elected Ms. Jackson as its Chair. The position as Chairman is her fourth year serving the community in this capacity. Ms. Jackson joined the Council in 2008 as the Braddock District appointee. Here with James R. Walkinshaw Braddock District Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.
September: Featured on “The Child Care Bridge Facebook Live with Monica Jackson,” Impact of Covid-19 on Childcare Centers Enrollments.
Currently: Ms. Jackson is in the process of guiding the restructuring of a local family childcare association, hosting ZOOM professional development sessions, and monthly virtual storytime. She has lived in her community for 37 years. She is happy offering childcare services and serving as a member of the Neighborhood Beautification Committee.