Earth Day Celebration

Our Spring Garden is Growing!
Happy Earth Day! We hope you and yours had a fun out of school time learning, playing, and growing. Friday was a Teachers’ Work Day so we had the whole day together to learn how we could responsibly take care of our planet with a series of planned earth day activities. Yesterday’s “Earth Day” Celebration came with many opportunities for learning, playing, and growing together engaged in a nature center field trip. We celebrated the wonders of our planet with a field trip to Hidden Oak Nature Center. We spend most of our day at the Nature Center enjoying the outdoors, playing, picnicking, and socializing. It was the perfect day for sharing a meal in the beautiful picnic area. Experiential learning and developmental domain included: • Big Body – large (gross) motor skills through (thru) playing, running, and lifting. • Creativity thru play, developing and acting out dramatic playful scenarios. • Language and problem-solving skills thru playful interaction with others. • Small (fine) motor skills thru the use of smaller items during play and exploration. • Socio-emotional skills thru playing and interacting with others. Our day lessons included learning to be responsible, vocabulary new words introducing the three “R”, and showing of our appreciation with an Earth Day Art and Craft Head Band. For an enhanced educational experience, we discussed being responsible and taking care of the earth, the importance of putting trash in the right place, conserving water, pollution reduction, and the benefits associated with taking care of the earth and our surroundings. We completed a Sort it Out! cut and paste classification activity. An activity in which we identified recycling products versus composed items. In the area of responsibility, we discussed the three “R” and creative ways to deal with trash. The three “R” are 1. Reduce – To make small. 2. Reuse – To use an item over again. And 3. Recycling – To use an item over again or to make it into something else. In preparation for our earth day celebrations, we started two flower, fruit, and vegetable greenhouses. As you can see our gardens have taken roots and the rapid growth is an ongoing source of excitement and learning! It was a Fantastic Friday. We enjoyed the perfect spring like weather and the opportunity to get outdoors and explore our beautiful surrounds. To keep abreast with our curriculum and developmental progress we recommend periodic blog visits. Earth Day along with other activities are featured in our Photo Gallery Album and a Movie –